"The story of an Hour"-Freedom
This story is about a women who wanted to be free from his husband and when she new that his husband have been death in a accident She act like she was sad but in the inside she was happy and relieve. She is super happy because of his Husband death because when his husband was alive he used to control her all the time. Later in the story she when downstairs with her sister and then his husband open the door and enter she was sock and then die by a heart attack. This story teach a lesson which is freedom. At the end of the story she got her freedom but at a very high price which was her death. I did like this story because it is very interesting they way everything happen and how the women wanted her freedom that when she new his husband was death, she feel so happy and when she saw him alive she was sock and then she died. I think that it was fair that she died because she was happy with his husband death and when a person gets happy of someones death or tragedy their not good person. So i think that what happen to her was fair and in this way she would learn her lesson.
"Blind Man"-Disabled, rich vs. poor
This story is about a blind man who is always in the streets and one day a person gave him a box of pencil to sale and from the money he make he could buy something to eat. That same day he was trying to cross the street and nobody help him and then he just hear many people coming in his direction and he didn't know what was going on. The most important person in that city was been killed by two cars when he was crossing the street, in the same street were the blind man have cross and nobody help him but they did help the other man. I like this story because it talks about who we don't pay attention to people that need help and when we want to help is to late. This story tell me that in this story the people don't pay attention to a poor person buy they do pay attention to a rich man that they might not know but they do know that he or she is rich.
"Desiree's baby"-racism
This story is about a women called Desiree who was left in the house of a rich women and his husband when she was a baby and they that took care of her. She was nameless she didn't have a background. When Desiree was a women she fall in love and she got married with a very important person. Months later she gave birth and she realize that his baby was black . His husband blame of her and he told her to leave his house with the baby. He decided to burn everything they both have touch and he found a letter from his mom to his dad that said that she was very happy to have his love and still knowing that she was black. He could not belief that he has black blood in his veins. This story also teach you a lesson that we don't have to be racism with people because they different and that we have to love and not judge people because we could be the ones with the problem and when we love we have too love everything of that person.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
Wow total No.0B Pwnage XD comment back :D