What would make Logandale a better school, there are many things that would make Logandale a better school for example if the school give their students better food, if the schools let their students wear whatever they want and if the schoolhave more activities for students for example music, art, drama, sports, and more after school programs.I think that this will help Logandale to be a better schooland students to be interesting to come to school and not move to other school. The school is oredy a good school but this are some of the things that the school can do to be better and students want to come to Logandale and make it their favorite school and second home.
If Logandale give their students better and delicious foos some students will be interesting to come to school and eat something different each day and eat something that they have never ate in their life. This will cause that many students will come to Logandale because of their food. The students won't have to worry about what their going to eat because they know it would be something delicious and healthy for us too. The school can let students bring their own food, candy, drinks, and chips. This will cause that many students wil be eating what they want and they will be happy.
Other thing that our school can do to make this school better for the students and for more students to transfer to this school will be that if our principal let us wear whatever we want. In this way students will feel like if we are at home and we won't have to be buying uniforms and we could wear clothes that show our personality and what we like to wear outside the school. This will also help students to know ous better and see if they will likw to have us as friends or not. I think that this is a great idea and many kids would like to wear something else than is not a uniform. If some students don't like this idea they could still wear the uniform but it won't be a requirement to wear it.
Another thing that would make our school a better school will be if the school could have more activites at their regular school schedule and after school too .This will make students interesting to come to schoo. and participate in this activities. They will have the opportunity to learn something new and teachers could help them in their after school programs, with their homework or class work or in other thing that we need help. If our school could have programs like music, drama, sports, dance and more other activities this will make students to be interesting and sing up for this activities and other students fromdifferent schools will like to move to this school because we will have more programs that students like and want to be able to participate.
In conclusion this are my reasons of what our school Logandale should do to make this school a better school a better school for us the students and other kids from different schools that would like to come to this school. Our school is oredy great but this are just some ideas that we as the students of this school will like and that will make us more interesting to come to school and be happy and exciting to learn and eat something new each day because the schoolis like our second home and we have to feel good and safety in our school because we spend a lot of time here and because Logandale is our home.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
Adi I lik ur essay, but d only problem is that u need to chek ur spelyng!!