My name is Gretel and i have one brother named Hansel, we life with my father and our step-mother. We are very poor people, sometimes we don't even eat nothing the entire day. One day when i was with my brother we hear our step mother telling our father that he has to let us in the forest so they will be able to survive and not die for hunger. My dad agree and in the next morning they wake ups early and took us in to the forest. They gave us a piece of bread my brother pick up some pebbles and he trough one by one pebbles so in this way we could find our way home. When we were in the middle of the forest our step mother told us that she was going to cut some wood but she never came back. I was very scared and the only thing i could think about it was going home. My brother told me that everything was going to be okay. In the morning we follow the pebbles and we find our way home. But our parents did the same thing the next morning the left us in the middle of the forest but this time we did know how to go back. We were lost, we were walking for hours but we could not figure out our way back to home. But then we saw this amazing house all built by bread and cover with cake and the windows were of clean sugar. we both run to the house my brother went up to the roof and i was eating the window. Suddenly an old women open the door and told us to come in and we did. She gave us food to eat milk, pancakes, sugar, apples, and nuts. We feel like if we were in heaven. The old women only pretended to be kind but was she really had in mind was to feed us very well and then she will kill us, cook us and then eat us. She had always done this to other children's. The next morning she took my brother to a little stable and locked him. She told me to cook something to him and bring it to him until he gets fat so she could eat him. I was force to do what she told me. Four weeks has pass and Hansel is till thin, she was not going to wait any longer the old women was going to kill my brother and cook him. Early in the morning the i had to hang up the cauldron with the water and light the fire. The old lady had ready heated the oven, the witch try to put me inside of the oven but i push her into the oven and run. I went to save my brother we dance and kiss each other of happiness. And then end we went back to home our step mother is death and our father was sorry for what he did. We hug him and live happy for ever.
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